Huddle Up! In APP/PS1 controls (left), astrocytes (green) and microglia (brown) form a wide glial net around plaques. Without ...
Faster Cleanup While Awake? In the frontal cortices of mice anesthetized with ketamine-xylazine (top) or sleeping (middle), an injected dye clears more slowly than in awake mice (bottom).
Other 4R tau tracers are in development. Vasdev and colleagues Chet Mathis at the University of Pittsburgh and Samuel ...
Going Nuclear. In cortical tissue from healthy people (top), RNA-binding proteins SFPQ (red) and NONO (green) form puncta in nuclei (blue). In DLB cortex (bottom), the aggregates were larger and more ...
Over the past three decades, the incidence of dementia has been declining in the U.S. and Europe. One reason might be that ...
Even before the first flicker of symptoms surface in a person who carries a pathogenic frontotemporal dementia mutation, signs of the disease can be found in their blood, in the form of neurofilament ...
The findings suggest that turning down the type I interferon response explains part of the protection afforded by ApoE3-R136S, implying that some of the benefits of this rare mutation might be ...