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FCS II GM PC Carbon Fluro Orange Tri Fin - XSmall
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FCS II GM PC Carbon Fluro Orange Tri Fin - XSmall

The FCS II GM PC Carbon Fluro Orange Tri Fin - XSmall is a versatile fin that combines the Performer template with a customised flex pattern. It features unified carbon inlay inside the GM side fins, creating a bend + twist flex pattern that extends further down the fin and provides springy and more forgiving flex than PCC. Ideal for all board types, it's perf…
The FCS II GM PC Carbon Fluro Orange Tri Fin - XSmall is a versatile fin that combines the Performer template with a customised flex pattern. It features unified carbon inlay inside the GM side fins, creating a bend + twist flex pattern that extends further down the fin and provides springy and more forgiving flex than PCC. Ideal for all board types, it's perfect for beach breaks to point breaks.
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The FCS II GM PC Carbon Fluro Orange Tri Fin - XSmall is a versatile fin that combines the Performer template with a customised flex pattern. It features unified carbon inlay inside the GM side fins, creating a bend + twist flex pattern that extends further down the fin and provides springy and more forgiving flex than PCC. Ideal for all board types, it's perfect for beach breaks to point breaks.